Sunday, March 30, 2008

Publix Ham and Swiss review

I had to go grocery shopping anyway and I thought why not kill two birds with one stone. I have had a publix sub before, they use boars head meat which is portioned out ahead of time, and your choice of a few cheeses and toppings. For this I chose mayo, lettuce, tomato, green pepper and banana pepper. seasoned with pepper and oil and vinegar.

No salt, the meat has enough salt in it and it doesn;t need anymore.

I knew before hand that I liked publix subs. They provide you will good quality ingredients. Boarshead meat, and an outstanding bread with just the right texture. I've had okay sandwiches there put together by the unknowing or a few not so good ones.

Publix is a good example of a template sub place, meaning that you are always assured decent ingredients but it is who puts them together that makes the different.

I was greated by a very extroverted fellow who was more than pleasent. He made note of my MIT shirt. Yes I was bumming it this sunday in a pair of old jeans and an oversized M.I.T. shirt. He striked up some good conversation out of that, picking my brain and being quite likable. Mike was so likable that I almost didn't care how he was making my sub.
He effortlessly put it together, only within conversation asking me what I wanted. I was pulling for him to put it together well , as Mike was very likable and easy going. I didn't want to have to report bad things about him. He just made it seem so damn easy. I did notice that he did the knife trick. That is a trick known by sandwich chefs as "packing it in". you take the knife and press it in so that the toppings get compacted and don't fall out.
I wasn't conviced until I ate it. I have to say hands down best publix sub I've ever eaten. The ingredients where evenly spread, and it was just the right amount of toppings. The oil and vinegar was just enough to wet the sandwich without making it soggy.
It was more than I thought it would be. Mike had done a great job combining customer service with sandwich sculpure expertise.
This sandwich gets a rating of 4.0 out of a possible 5.2.

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