Friday, March 7, 2008

Customers Pay Attention!

While getting a sub for lunch today I noticed how horrible most people are at ording a sub sandwich. After working in subshops while going through college and even a little bit after I have come up with rules of thumb to follow to insure good service and even the best possible taste and more product.

1. If there is a line don't get in line if you are not sure what you want.

2. Never ever talk on your cell phone in line EVER! You will be skipped in line and your sandwhich will be manhandled and sloppy.

3. Don't blurt everything out at once. Work the steps. I would like a Regular Size Wheat Italian with Provolone. The next person will do your toppings. Or wait for that person to finish those steps and then tell them what else.

4. Don't be a smart ass.

5. Ask for what you want. If you say I want a ton of jalopeno's and extra mayo that is exactly what you get.

6. If you have a list of a few subs. You can hand the list to them. Actually they prefer that you do.

7. Never call someone to ask them what they want on their sub, and never use your nextel or speaker phone to let someone on the other line order their sub.

8. If you are one person ordering more than 3 sandwhiches it's better to call ahead or fax in your order.

9. During the lunch rush keep small talk to a minimum. The workers have a job to do and they work based on quantity and quality.

10. if you are a picky eater be polite when explaining to them otherwise you come off like an whiney bitch.

8. If you have food allergies let them know before they start making your sub. Also be clear and consice. Cheese steak subs come with cheese if you are allergic speak up before they make it. Same goes for vegans and vegitarians.

9. When you go to get your toppings topped never say EVERYTHING unless you really mean EVERYTHING.

10. Don't treat the workers like they are idiots they only difference between you and them is what side of the counter you are on.

11. If you have a valid complaint be polite. Mess ups happen and polite people get a lot more than the complainers.

12. Do not eat almost your whole sandwich except for a few bites and them come to the counter and say there was something wrong with it. If you didn't like it you wouldn't have eaten almost all of it.

13. Realize that sometimes your requests are stupid. Don't top your sub and have us wrap it up only to ask "oh can you toast that?". If we say we are out of something we are. We aren't hiding it from you.

14. Pay Attention. Don't meander out of line. your sandwich will be set aside until all of the other attention paying customers are delt with.

15. If you want a different cheese than what it says on the menu speak up. Other wise you get the Default.

16. Extras are not free, be prepared to pay for any thing extra and even swapouts of meat. If you want turkey and Roast beef instead of Turkey and Ham its going to cost you more because Roast Beef is a more expensive meat.

17. Don't haggle over 20 cents. It makes you look cheap and ridiculous. This usually happens when someone wants something extra and doesn't want to pay for it.

18. Speak loud and Clear. It's hard to hear over all the noise and refridgeration units or through the glass.

19. If you want an even better sandwich next time be friendly, patient and tip.

20. If you follow these rules and still get bad service or sloppy sandwiches try another subshop and see if that helps.

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