Saturday, March 22, 2008

Review #1 I had a Quizno's Coupon.

I checked the mail and had recieved a flyer with a multitude of quizno coupons, so as fate would have it Quizno's became my first review. I'd have to say I'm not a huge quiznos fan. I've had a few sandwiches there most were exceptionally good, and some were just mediocre. The one I had from the Hunters Creek Location on John Young Parkway in Orlando was the latter.

I had decided I was going to try the Tuscan Turkey on rosemary parmesan bread. The sandwich contained swiss cheese, turkey, lettuce, tomato, red onion, and roasted red pepper Sauce. I thought that the sandwich chef could have done a better job making the sandwich look prettier, and I also disagree with adding a sauce, other than oil and vinegar on last even if you fo put it on first and then drizzle more. Heavier sauces need to go on the bread. Other wise you end up with the picture above. The sandwich becomes messy and half of that lettuce will drop out and you won't get a full on evenly sauce taste.

In this case I was kind of glad I didn't get that taste because it wasn't just the sandwich chef who made this medicre. I could have excused these practices had the roasted red pepper sauce tastes like roasted red pepper sauce. It was too tangy and almost reminded me of a french dressing. I would have liked it to be more spicier and pepper tasting. The tang of it was too much. I also like creamier sauces on sandwiches such as a chipotle mayo or a roasted red pepper sauce like Jersey Mikes carries.

So the sauce just didnt do anything good for the sandwich. The next thing lacking a little was the turkey while it was decent it just wasn't quite as flavorful as I would have like. Perhaps without the overpowering sauce I would have been able to taste the turkey meat better.

On the plus side of things the bread was fresh and decent. The lettuce was bagged lettuce, which I really don't have a problem with as some do. Tomatoes were nice and covered the whole sandwich, and the onions were present without being over powering. The service provide was wonderful. The price was decent and I got a dollar off with my coupon.

I'm going to go back and get another sandwich sometime because I know I'd like something better. As for the Tuscan Turkey I give it a 2.8 at of a possible 5.2.

Thats right I have a weird scale the reason for the extra .2 at the end of 5 is because it has to exceed what I think the perfect sandwich is. a 5.0 is superb but I'm wondering if anyone can beat that.

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