Sunday, March 30, 2008

Monthly Challenge

I had a recent thought which I really hate but it would make for some great writing. A challenge for myself. A monthly challenge to put into play some theories that need to be tested. The reason I hate this thought is because I want to be nothing my nice to the workers and be the easiest customer of the day, but the challenges may mean that I can't be that way. I will start off easy and get harder. So far my ideas are.

1. Tackling the subway cheese issue. Task level: Easy. Challenge is all about getting the sandwich artist to alternate my cheese so that it makes 2 squares instead of 4 triangles.

2. Bringing in my own cheese. Task level: Easy to low medium. Challenge involves going to 3 different sandwich shops with my own cheese and seeing if they will put my own cheese on my sandwich.

3. The picky eater challenge. Task level: medium. Challenge involves 2 shops to see if being a picky eater is problematic. Each shop will see a easy goinging person and each shop will see a picky person asking for special care to determine who each is handled.

4. The bitch. Task level: Hard. Challenge takes 2 subshops and on first occasion is nice, and on second is a complete bitch from start to finish.

I really do hate these challenges but I said I wanted a good sandwich blog so here we go. Challenge once starts April 1st.

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